Which one is better? the insurance for education or investment program? Yup I am not yet a successful businessman but of course it has been my willingness for years, to be a millionaire so I can support my children education.
Why investment program? because it offers the stronger potential to increase your capital than the insurance program. If you run your own business, you can enhance your income as big as you wish. However, investment is not always secure. You may fail or succeed your business.
Why insurance for education? because in case you have trouble in your live like accident which may cause disability or something worse, your children is safely covered by the insurance program.
Why don't join both insurance and investment program? Of course this last is the best choice. However, you need more money to join both insurance and investment program. When you don't have enough money, then which one should be the first priority? the insurance or investment program?
Both are important I guess. The solution is up to you. However, based on my experience, I choose by joining cheap insurance while I also spent my money to run my small cheap business like online business or something similar to that.