When the cost for studying at the university is very high, why don't people look for cheaper one at another country abroad or overseas? Let say, in Indonesia, the cost for studying at faculty of medicines is very expensive it will cost from 10.000 up to 40.000 USD or even more. Compare to studying at German, which only cost less than 8000 USD.
Compare the quality of both countries, people can see that Germany is developed while Indonesia is still developing country which means that the quality of education in Germany is higher but the country offers cheaper cost for education. What about the language problem? Some outstanding German universities now have International class which means that the classes are held by using English language.
It is not a must for students to learn Germany because the communication can be done in English. However, it will be better if students prepare everything for studying abroad as well as possible, including the understanding toward culture, custom, food, and of course language. By going native, students will be able to minimize the risk of being homesick.
There are many students who want to apply for studying in Germany. However, sometimes their parents feel hard to let their kids go abroad alone. Students can make their parents sure that now is the era of globalization in which communication is very easy. By using video call, parents can communicate to their kids virtually.